Radiance Portal
a Kundalini + Embodiment Experience to Activate Your Radiance, Expand Your Magnetism and Capacity For Abundance
Start: November 8
the Journey is designed to meet you where you are
TIER 1 Beautiful+Bountiful includes:
✨ Kundalini Radiance + Prosperity Kriya set + embodiment / somatic practice (approx. 25 min total)
4x Week LIVE Gatherings - Replays to be used on the other days
✨ 1x week 31-min Jupiter Pranic meditation (more prana = more abundance can be let in + natural glow)
✨ Weekly Havening Journeys for Self Love and Inner Radiance
✨ Other Rituals + Play Divine Feminine Alignment
Sacred, Turned On Exchange: $222
TIER 2 Radiantly Alive includes:
4 Radiance Masterclasses (Tuesdays 6pm)
° Beaming the Real Radiance (Being ALL OF YOU, where are you holding back? hiding?)
° My Life, a Ceremony (make every moment divine and sacred)
° Create an Aura of Magic, Magnificence, and Magnetism (radiant body science + Kundalini practice)
° Mystery Guest Teacher
Sacred, Turned On Exchange: $555
TIER 3 Divine + Devoted includes:
2x 1-1 Alchemy Sessions: Havening + Embodiment Deep Dives
(75-90 min each)
Sacred, Turned On Exchange: $797
In this portal you will:
develop and expand the radiant body connecting to your authentic magnetism. create ease and grace in your life by aligning with your divine feminine essence

Q: Do I have to join all of the Live's?
A: Nope, all sessions will be recorded and replays immediately provided. You can design this portal to work best to your schedule. Choosing a regular time each day will support you in staying committed to your practice. Think of the daily discipline as a devotion to your desires, an act of self love + self care, and a container to connect to your divinity.
Q: Will we have access to the content even after the initial 40 days?
A: Yes, for an additional 40 days. we want to keep our auras clean and strong. This is why there is an emphasis on Live commitment and being a solid part of the group aura.
Q: Why 40 days?
A: 40 days is a magical number in many spiritual and cultural traditions. The iron in the blood is renewed every 40 days, imprinting a memory in the cells so that the kriya can be activated in the system. It is encouraged to go beyond the 40 days if you find the practice is working well for you.
(I have not met anyone who hasn't experienced something magical upon committing to a 40-day practice. Put the Victory in your aura!)
Q: What if I miss a day?
A: Some teachers would say start your count over. However, I am not a rigid day-counter. Tune into your intuition if it feels right for you to start over. What matters most is what gives you energy and the highest relationship to self. What would enhance your self concept most?
Q: Is it ok that I've never practiced Kundalini?
A: Definitely! This practice is welcome to anyone feeling the call.
Q. Where are the LIVE sessions hosted?
A: In a private IG account you can join once enrolled.
Celebrations from the previous rounds of Kundalini portals