What is the Liberated Woman?
The Liberated Woman is a safe space for women to move through all of life's ups and downs, the whole range of magic and initiations where you get to LIBERATE yourself into your sovereign power, feel free to be exactly as you are, grateful for your current life as you spread your wings into the woman you are Becoming.
This journey is a beautiful anchor to stay on your highest destiny track and continually align higher (even with all of the nonlinear ebbs and flows), together. Cause my loves, it's so much better doing this work and expansion together.
We have been journeying since the start of 2023 and the months just keep getting more and more potent. 🧨
To the Liberated Woman,
You let the winds of Life and Love open you wide...
You dance freely in the streets, naked in the sea, allowing yourself to be moved by the tunes of your soul...
Guided by your own inner compass, I'm so excited to see what wants to be birthed through you.
Your walls come down perfectly when you're ready, in Her time.
to let it in.
after you've been brought to your knees, in tears, in prayer, in absolute surrender.
You've considered giving up, many times.
You've considered that maybe your desires were not meant for you after all.
You've been ready to scream like you've never heard, break something, completely collapse..
and maybe you have.
But, you are Woman. You are beyond the beyond.
Holding cosmic keys that can move mountains and change the world.
You have vast, infinite love that yearns to be shared.
To birth your blessings into form. To open you wider than you knew possible...
to sit in the garden and receive. To know you are taken care of, deeply loved and supported every step of the way. To know you are not alone.
For your beauty to be received, seen, witnessed, in ALL of its raw, real forms and expressions.
You know that the fire that resides in your heart and belly and all of those tears expressed or unexpressed are worth something.
And you can feel the bubbling, the spark inside of you Now.
Sweet One, Sister, are you ready to liberate and exalt yourself into all of who you are meant to be?
A little preview of the potent transmissions and themes we play with ...
Previous Masterclasses
↠Living by the Inner Pulse
↠Led by Eros, Raptured by Life, Ravished in Love
↠Beyond the Drama Triangle, into Empowered Agent of Your Life
↠Internal Family Systems "Parts Work" / Reparenting the Inner Child
↠Living By Divine Will
↠Transmute the Emotional Burden + Liberate Where You Hide
↠Radiance Codes
↠Activate Your Creatrix: Make ART with Life & Alchemize Emotions
↠Rebirthing Into Your New Paradigm Ceremony
and YES you get every single Masterclass replay when you enroll.
Upcoming Masterclasses:
↠Interdependent Blissful Relationship with God and Life
↠Money & Magnificence
↠For Truth and Love
BONUS: SHE WHO... Masterclass for Manifesting
*the lineup has been downloaded through the rest of the year, however, this space operates upon the feminine way and is subject to change... magic lies inside trusting the mystery and divine unfolding*
We were never meant to do it alone.
We rise stronger and bigger, together, Sisters.