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relief Portal

Meditations to Release Stress, Anxiety, Fear, or Overwhelm. Optimize and Strengthen Your Immune System. Find steadiness. Cultivate protection. Embody radiance.


Think of the Relief Portal as a toolkit. It is a collection of Kundalini Meditations and other tools and energetic practices to help you relieve stress and anxiety, balance and optimize your brain and glandular system, and strengthen your immune system.

You have lifetime access, so you can do the meditations every day or return back to the toolkit any time that you need to release stress, tension, or lift your mood and vitality.

Kundalini Yoga + Meditation is a potent practice that combines breath, mantra, movement, and meditation to greatly support you in creating the life you desire. It is especially beneficial in times of change, uncertainty, and for healing.

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Catherine, Yoga Teacher + Mentor

“I did the full energetic protection practice from the Relief Portal and it has set me up beautifully for today. I have been feeling all of the feels and after your meditation, I am set. It really is a RELIEF portal! Thank you!!"

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Meghan, Flight Attendant

“Kundalini yoga has helped me get through some of my darkest moments. I’ve learned how to release my anxiety through the breathwork and movements of this practice. Mel has taught me specific meditations to let go of any negativity I’ve had and how to embrace my most empowered, radiant self. I’ve gained confidence and found my true power through Mels teaching. She’s been a light in my life, guiding me to the goddess within me.”

Image by Alex Sorto

Tessa, School Teacher

"I have smiled through this entire practice. So much love, so much positivity. It really gives me hope that we can spread this love, BE this love. BE the light. This is such a gift to me!"

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