Hello Beautiful Sisters,
This one’s for you.
Have you ever felt so seen, so accepted as your full self, so held in the arms of another woman?
A space where you feel safe to go beyond the concerns of being judged. You feel safe to let the walls down and share the shame, guilt, or fear that has sat inside of you. You feel a lightness, a reclamation of your power, as these thoughts and feelings can now be honored and released.
A major weight is lifted through being witnessed in your vulnerability. This process is beautiful, for all parties involved, those sharing and receiving and those supporting.
“It is an honor.” A Sister said to me as I sobbed, sharing the depths of my soul, the emotions of my inner wounded little girl. I felt ashamed, embarrassed, taking up that space. I feared it made me look weak, a mess, “too much.” And when (after what felt like forever) I could finally open my eyes and take a deep breath, I saw the opposite. The other ladies’ pure presence, compassion, and grounded energy containing mine.
They were honoring me, my emotions, and my process. Having this space held for me was immensely healing. And their simple offerings to see what I was unable to see for myself - my strength, my beauty through the tears, the deep connection to my heart - it put me back into my power.
I no longer saw the tears, the big emotions that had been stored inside of me, the heaviness as weaknesses.
I felt the shame transmute into bravery for being able to be honest with myself, and even more to be witnessed in front of others.
I felt the heavy emotions transmute into my heart opening, the best feeling - the diamond on the other side.
I felt the fear transmute into empowerment and self-worth.
This is the Power, the Magic, of Sisters coming together.
Not only to hold you in moments of major release, peeling back layers of insecurities, shame and guilt held in the body, but also to be seen and celebrated in moments of victory.
After years of conditioning that led us to feel competitive or paralyzed in comparison amongst other women (I remember since gradeschool being divided across groups of girls, competing for the cute boys’ attention or other unnecessary drama and division), there is power in shifting into “my sisters’ wins are my wins” and “my wins are my sisters’ wins.” This is a major shift from scarcity into abundance.

The strength of other women holding space for your intentions, prayers, goals is something that cannot be explained, only experienced.
Through experiencing it myself, witnessing the transformations that happen in my retreats, or even just a few days at Women’s Festivals and most recently, in the last edition of Reclaiming Femme… the healing, clarity, empowerment that comes from connecting in a sacred space is pure magic. I now hold such deep reverence for ALL women (and really, ALL Beings - but it needed to start for me with women by releasing the competition and comparison). I see the beauty and power inside of them, and it even seems to bring it out in them when I hold this. Imagine having a whole community of women holding this vision of you. Imagine being able to offer this gift of power and radiance to other women.
The most flow and abundance I’ve experienced in my life is when I am immersed in the power of the woman. This divine feminine energy that has the ability to birth, mother, and awaken the planet, of course it has the ability to heal our deepest wounds and manifest our deepest desires. I have met soul-sisters, divine kindred connections and friendships that feel like soul-besties finally having a long awaited reunion.
These divine relationships give me so much energy, so much nourishment, so much safety in this world of unknowns, of trials and tribulations, of celebrations, victories, joy, and laughter. To have someone to admit my innermost fears and desires:
“I’m no longer attracted to my partner.”
“I think I may be bi-polar”
“I fear no man will really be able to love me”
“What if I can never get pregnant?”
“I want to make $30k this month”
and to be met with
“Alright, I see you, I’m with you. I’m here for you. I believe in you.”
It is a gift to be able to unpack these thoughts or feelings so they don’t feel so heavy inside, but they now feel approachable, I am able to see beyond the mind-illusions. Even in the times when I want to process privately, knowing the strength of the community is available, it allows me to go deeper, to be braver. In the times when I fear putting myself out there, I know I have Sisters who would catch me if I fall, it allows me to speak up, share my gifts, and let my heart crack wide open.
I have deep gratitude to these women in my life and frankly, I don’t know where I would be now without them. I wanted every woman to have this type of support and safe space to be held, understood, and genuinely supported, which is why I created the Reclaiming Femme container.
Reclaiming Femme, is a 9-week journey and container to explore your own truths and unlock your own powers and ecstatic nature, while being supported by a safe, judge-free and empowering community to see you in your rawness and realness. A space to go beyond the barriers that have been put up around girlfriends where you will “share this…. but never that.” It is a space to experience the strength of women in numbers, holding your visions, maybe even higher, bigger, and brighter than you’ve been able to see for yourself.
In addition to having the support of the entire Reclaiming Femme community, each woman is paired with a small group of “Venus Sisters.” These are the visionaries who can see clearly the success, health, or prosperity for you, and never wavers.
A keen observer of life once said, "no [wo]man can fail, if some one person sees [Her] successful." Such is the power of the vision, and many a great [wo]man owed [Her] success to a wife, or sister, or a friend who "believed in him" and held without wavering to the perfect pattern!”
The biggest and most beautiful expansion for ourselves happens within a supportive community - especially one of wild, soft, fierce, strong, powerful, beautiful, empowered women.

The second round of the epic Reclaiming Femme journey begins October 18, 2020. This journey is one of self-discovery, unlocking your superpowers and unleashing your ecstatic nature, while having the time of your life surrounded by an incredible sisterhood of empowered women.
Click the link below to explore more + get the Flow With Grace complete menstrual cycle guide immediately!
And if this journey is not for you, no problem at all my love. May we all continue to come together, support each other, and I am just so glad you’re here! I see you and appreciate you. ♥️✨✨ Say hello, anytime!